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Dress Rehearsals & Recitals take place at THE UNIVERSITY FARQUHAR AUDITORIUM



Thank you to everyone for taking care and making our studio NUT FREE.  Please remember  NUT FREE when packing snacks for Dress Rehearsals and Recitals.



DRESS REHEARSALS  April 29, 30, May 1                                       Starting at 5:15 PM 

Doors open at 515pm - Dancers do not need to arrive earlier. 

  • Dress Rehearsal is closed except to the dancers and The Back Stage Crew.

  • Dancers will enter through the STAGE DOOR.  Once inside they will be directed to the entrance of the Theatre.

  • Once Dancers reach the theatre door they will say good bye to their Grown Up.  (Dancers need to have their costume and belongings in a garment bag / suit case - something that they can carry.)

  • Class Teachers will be taking attendance. Dancers will then join their class and their Teachers.  The Back Stage Crew will be there to assist the Dancers. 

  • The dressing room assignments will be posted on the wall. After attendance Dancers will move to their dressing areas. 

  • Once dancers are in their costume they will make their way to the theatre.  

  • Dancers ages 3 - 6 should be picked up at 7:00pm.  Dancers ages 7 and older  should be picked up at 7:30.   This sounds like a long time, but the children are very happy to watch the show, and are always quite content to be with their class and have their chance on stage. 

  • When you pick up your child let your Backstage Assistant know.  You will need to also take your dancer’s belongings.


RECITALS          May 9 ~ 6:30pm              May 10 ~ 1:30pm              May 4 ~ 6:30pm___

  • Dancers should arrive 60 minutes before show time.  Back stage check (when everyone is expected to be there) is at 30 minutes before show time.

  • Afternoon SHOW TIME is 1:30pm.  Evening SHOW TIME is 6:30pm.

  • All dancers need to enter through the stage door.

  • Dancers are to go to their dressing area and remain there.

  • Only Dancers and Backstage Assistants are in the dressing area as show time approaches.

  • NO DANCERS ARE ALLOWED IN THE LOBBY OR IN THE AUDIENCE.  Their chance to see the show is dress rehearsal.

  • Dancers are to remain until the end of the show and are picked up after the show is over.

  • There is NO access to dancers at intermission.

  • Hair - should be appropriately done - primary dancers 6 years and under, please have hair in a bun. Dancers 7 years and older, please have your hair in a bun.  Please arrive with your dancer’s hair done.  Dancers only doing hip hop may have their hair in a high pony tail.  Dancers in ACRO hair in a French Braid please. 

  • Make Up - Faces look washed out under stage lights.  A little blush, mascara will help us look our best.

  • After the show is over, primary dancers (6 and under) and Junior Dancers (7 - 10) will be picked up from the stage.  Other dancers will go back to their dressing area and be picked up there.  This announcement will be made on stage at the end of each show.



  • It is a good idea to pack a special game, toy, colouring book/crayons, to help pass the time back stage on the night of the show.

  • Please check your dancers costumes.  They will need them including their shoes.   Often there is not time to go home and get what is missing.  We don’t have extras of everything.  A missed costume/shoes can mean a very sad dancer.

  • If you wish to pack a light snack - that's okay PLEASE MAKE IT NUT FREE...please send only water to drink, there is also a water fountain and please nothing messy as dancers will be eating in costume.

  • If you wish to present your dancer with a flower, please do so at the end of the show when you pick him/her up.

  • Our dancers safety and happiness is our first concern.  We look forward to seeing them perform.

Please call or e-mail click here about any questions that you may have. “Break-a-Leg”  Dancers ~ you have all worked hard and we are going to be so proud of you.  Thank you Parents for your co-operation, assistance and patience.


4499 Viewmont Avenue  (@ West Saanich Road)
Victoria, BC, V8Z 5K8 
250-658-0445 |



We acknowledge and respect the lək̓ʷəŋən peoples on whose traditional territory Karen Clark Dance Studio stands and the Songhees, Esquimalt and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day. We give thanks and show our gratitude to the people whose land we have the honour to live, work and dance upon.




© 2006 - 2025  Karen Clark Dance Studio Inc - all rights reserved

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