March 23 - 29 - 1 week only

Website Updated: 3-18-25, 9:55pm
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PHOTO WEEK DATES, Tuesday, April 22 - Saturday, April 26. PHOTO SCHEDULE
Welcome to Karen Clark Dance Studio
Inspiring dancers since 1988!
Established in 1988 we are 37 years of 5, 6, 7, 8!
Thank you for visiting the KAREN CLARK DANCE STUDIO web site. "Dance is about performance and fun and dance is also about building life skills, self-confidence, self-esteem; models teamwork and co-operation, encourages a solid work ethic and positive attitude."
Offering Classes in Tap, Jazz, Ballet ~ Royal Academy Of Dance Exam, Hip-Hop, Lyrical, Contemporary, Acro, Hip 2 Hop, Performance Companies, Hip Hop CREWS, Adult Tap, RAD Ballet Performance Groups, Pointe, RAD Open Classes for Graduated & Vocational Dancers. For Tiny Tots: 2's in Tutus, Tots & Twirls, Ballet, Tap, Mini Pops and Tap & Ballet Combo.
Adult Extension classes for Adults that grew up dancing: tap, jazz, contemporary/lyrical, Hip Hop & Ballet
We welcome back photographer Miss Noelle Frazer who will be taking our dance photos. Each class will have a class photo and individual photo of each dancer. Digital photos will be accessible on line with a code in June.
Tuesday, April 22 - Saturday, April 26. PHOTO SCHEDULE